Introduction: Notes and Noises
A weekly publication of writing and sounds coming out of Dublin, Ireland.
This is very much a personal expression my thoughts and ideas, a reaction to the world around me and an oportunity to share my work.
I will share my writing - often poetry or prose which may also be accompanied by some photography and/or audio designed to compliment the words.
To learn more about what to expect please read this.
15 Years ago I started In The Black Box - a simple blog that quickly grew into an identity under which I placed my whole creative output; writing, music, photography, design… you name it. At first it was a truly meaningful way in which to express myself as I finished school, entered college and tried new things- a liberating persona that could say and do things with confidence and purpose.
However time has turned that liberation into a binding weight, a draining expectation and a mask behind which I hid as I started working and earning money. I was building a new public me that did not really square with the techno loving, automatic writing insomniac that had kicked it all off in the first place.
More recently I have come to understand that I am caught between these two people. I am at once struggling to make what I am creating now fit with what In the Black Box was 5.. 10.. 15 years ago, while also afraid to reveal to my family, friends and work colleagues that I am still creating this stuff all these years later - or that I even do it at all, quite often it just sits in a notebook or harddrive and never gets published.
Notes and Noises is drawing a line in the sand and putting this issue to bed.
In the Black Box - the 15 year experiment and creative effort has run its course and will now end. I need to do this for two reasons; to capture and preserve everything that In the Black Box was so that it can be enjoyed in isolation, and to free myself up to be creative without trying to fit with what has come before.
I will now produce all creative content under my own name, David Donoghue, and do my best to promote and celebrate it publicly so that it lives along side everything else my life is now about. Notes and Noises is a simple and effective way to do this - to publish regularly and start again.
To be clear, this is a single tree falling in a lonely wood - nobody really knows nor cares that this is happening - however I need to do this for myself, a cathartic clean out, so I can start fresh.
So we will start from here.